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Podcast Round Up: November 2020

In November, I have been listening to a few different podcasts and thus I wanted to share with you which ones I have been listening to and enjoying to hopefully inspire you to take a listen when out on your daily walk or however you enjoy listening to your podcasts!

Happy Place by Ferne Cotton:-

I have been loving listening to Ferne's podcast, Happy Place! She has sooo many episodes with some amazing people talking about the things that make them happy as well as topics that interest them.

The episodes I have been enjoying over November include the following -

  • Mary Berry

  • Holly Tucker

  • Joe Wicks

  • Davina McCall

  • Elizabeth Gilbert

You can check out Happy Place here and the official Instagram for Happy Place is here if you fancy following for updates on new content.

I would highly recommend listening to Ferne's podcast if you're looking for a listen where you can switch off and enjoy a interesting conversation with people you are interested / inspired by.

Power Hour by Adrienne Herbert

Again, another great podcast that I have been listening to for a little while now! The Power Hour is all about what inspirational and successful people do in the first hour of their waking along with discussing their journey and successes. I love taking a listen to this podcast when out on a walk as I feel as though I can escape and digest all the great things that are spoken about.

The episodes I have been enjoying over November include the following -

  • James Clear

  • Lauren Armes

You can check out the Power Hour here and the official Instagram for the Power Hour is here should you wish to keep up to date with new episodes as well as other exciting things that Adrienne is up to!

The Game Changer by Erin May Henry

This podcast has been a firm favourite of mine for a while now. Erin's podcast focuses on business topics and empowering women to take the plunge to run their own, successful online business with strategy tips from other successors in the industry.

The episodes I have been enjoying over November include the following -

  • Developing an Authentic Content Strategy

  • Q&A - Creating Courses, New Business Tips and More

To check out the Game Changer podcast, click the link here and if you fancy giving Erin a follow for more inspiring, business content then click the link here

I hope sharing the podcasts that I have been listening to recently has helped inspire you to take a listen and add one or more of these episodes/podcasts to your listening list. Let me know in the comments what podcasts you are currently listening to as I am always looking for new ones to listen to.

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Lifeful Lifestyle​


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