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Goals to Actions: July Plan with Me

If you've been a reader of my blog for a while, you may remember the blog post where I talked you through my monthly planning routine? (if not, I have linked it here).

I have decided to take my planning routine a step further and create a bullet journal to track the progress towards my goals. It's all well and good writing down your goals on a board and thinking to yourself you will achieve them but by not putting a plan in place to achieve your goals it will make it more likely that you won't achieve them. So I thought I would give you a helping hand and show you the spreads I have designed to keep myself on track and accountable.

Spread 1: Write down your Month Goals

I like to start off the first page with the goals I have written down on my whiteboard so they are easy to refer back to and if I take my bullet journal anywhere outside the house the goals I have set are with me.

I also try to colour code my goals to make it easier to refer back to when going through my journal for example:

Business - Yellow

Fitness - Blue

Personal - Pink

Spread 2: Monthly Overview

To give me an idea of what my month could look like, I like to create a monthly layout so I can see what is happening each day. I don't go into too much detail with this as I like to only input the steps I will be taking in order to achieve my goals. Upon viewing each week, I will then work out when I can fit in the relevant steps into my days so I know I am keeping on track with my goals.


Previously, I would map out my running schedule, blog post tracker and reading log all on different sheets of paper. Overtime, this began to get a bit messy and just didn't work as smoothly as I wanted it to. So I thought I would recreate the logs and put them in my journal instead so they're compact and all in one place.

Spread 3: Running Log

I have created a running log which tells me the distance I will be doing on each day along with a tracker to keep log of my average pace and time so I can see if I am improving at all during the month. I have also included a column where I can input how I felt that run went e.g. if I found it easy, difficult or really hard. I can then look at my feelings and my performance and see if there are any links between the data.

Spread 4: Blog Schedule

Some of you may have seen something similar to this if you have been following my blog for a while.

I like to have a clear idea of what blog posts I will be writing during the month. Having a clear idea allows me to see if I need to prepare for anything in advance e.g. do I need to try out new workout routines in order to recommend them? or can I really talk about this if I haven't done it myself?

The spread also helps me when I am sitting down to write the post. I have listed all the requirements for each blog post at the top and I can just tick each action off as I go along. A lot of work goes into these posts you know ;)

Spread 5: Reading Log

I am really trying to get back into my reading therefore one of the ways I have found helps to do this is plan out the books I would like to read for the month. A lot of the time I struggle to find time to fit in my reading so I have broken the books down into 50 page squares that I can tick off once I have reached that point. I then have a little review section at the end of each book to rate how much I enjoyed the book.

Having a reading log helps me stay accountable and organised so I can hit my target of reading more.

These are all the spreads I have for now although I am sure as I progress and create new goals these spreads will be adapted or new spreads will be added.

Let me know in the comments if you use a bullet journal for your organisation/planning needs

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